Reflecting on Women’s Ordination

Parish Letter, June 13, 2024

Dear Friends of St. Paul’s,

The fiftieth anniversary of women’s ordination in the Episcopal Church is coming up this July. On July 29, 1974, the feast of Sts. Mary and Martha, eleven women were ordained to the priesthood at Church of the Advocate in Philadelphia. General Convention had not yet officially authorized the ordination of women, and so these eleven women and the bishops who ordained them took a great risk to do what they did. Among the Philadelphia Eleven, two were Minnesotan women: Alla Bozarth-Campbell and Jeannette Picard.*

Since I come from a long family line of Episcopal priests, I often think about how my father and grandfather have shaped my vocation. But I am also deeply in debt to these women who fought for this change in the church, who courageously stood firm in their call to be priests, even though it had never been done before, and many believed it should not be done at all. I am deeply grateful for their work, and the work of those who moved to advocate for them and ordain them. I stand on their shoulders, as well as countless other women clergy who shaped and supported me though out my journey.

This coming Sunday’s parable is a story Jesus tells about a seed that grows, but we do not know how. I think about how much trust and faith these women must have needed to believe in that seed. I think about all the hidden growth that is taking place within us now, getting ready to invite us into something new. When my grandfather was ordained in 1955, the ordination of women was unthinkable. But the process of transformation was growing somewhere, and the church is now changed because of it.

On Friday, July 26, St. Mark’s Cathedral in Minnepolis is hosting a 50 year celebration of the ordination with a special Eucharist and a showing of the film The Philadelphia Eleven. It’s a bit of a drive for us, but I believe that it will be a powerful event and well worth the time of those who choose to attend. If you are interested in going, please reach out to me so we can make arrangements for a Duluth “delegation.” The event begins at 3 pm and lasts until 8:30 pm.

Please see full details of the event here:



*Do you want to know more about the Rev. Dr. Jeannette Picard? She was a fantastic scientist, trailblazer, and perhaps even related to the inspiration for a Star Trek Character, and you can read the Rev. Guy Drake’s recent article about her on ECMN’s website here.

The Rector’s Parish Letters are sent out weekly during the academic year and bi-weekly (or so) in the summer. If you want to receive these letters, please email and ask to be placed on the parish listserv. Some relevant letters are posted on the church website, but not all.