Upcoming Events

Fridays during Lent, March 7 – April 11, 5:30 pm
Stations of the Cross
One of the most powerful prayer practices during Lent is the Stations of the Cross, which are fourteen images that depict the path Jesus walked on the day of his crucifixion. This walk, which is intended to be a journey through passion and prayer, is also known as the Way of the Cross. Join Fr. Rick each Friday, March 7-April 11, at 5:30 pm to pray the Stations.

Sundays, March 16-April 6, 11:15 am
New Member Cohort
Four Sessions: Sundays, March 16 – April 6
11:30 am – 1:00 pm, Olcott Room
Are you interested in officially joining St. Paul’s? New members of the St. Paul’s community are invited to join a cohort. Whether you are a brand new Episcopalian, or an ordained clergyperson, this gathering has something to offer you. Based in conversation and connection, we will reflect together on questions like: what drew you here? Why Jesus? And, what does it mean to you to be part of a church? This will also be an opportunity to learn from long-term members of the parish and get connected here. Lunch included. Childcare arranged upon request. Questions? Contact Maggie at rector@stpaulsduluth.org