Giving at St. Paul’s
Generosity Sustains Our Community
We believe that Jesus invited us into the spiritual practice of generosity. Jesus practiced generosity with his resources, his spirit, and his love. We are also called to live generously as a part of our Christian life.
How We Practice Generosity
Celebrating our Parish Rummage Sale
The 2024 Parish Rummage Sale was an enormous success. We raised more at this sale than in any other sale we can remember. To celebrate this incredible windfall, we decided to give away a “double tithe” or 20% of our earnings to Safe Haven, a local organization that supports women in crisis. This allowed us to make a donation of $2600 to Safe Haven.
St. Paul’s tries to give generously in our community. Please watch the Messenger and Parish Bulletin for updates on donations given to local nonprofits. These donations are facilitated by our Outreach Ministry Team.
Our Pledge to the Diocese
Each church in the ECMN is asked to pledge a percentage of their income to the statewide office. This office supports our ministries and assists us by gathering retreats, training leaders, hosting youth camps, and more. St. Paul’s is proud to support the ministry of other Episcopal Churches in Minnesota this way.
How does St. Paul’s fund its ministry?
St. Paul’s funds come almost entirely from donations from those who worship here. Annual pledges make up the majority of our annual income. The remainder comes from our investments, our Sunday offering collections, space use fees, and fundraising events. St. Paul’s does not receive income from grants, the diocese, or the government.
Our annual giving goal for 2024 was $385,000. Pledges are accepted year round, though we typically do a campaign in October for the coming year. We also receive pledges of time and talent, for those who would like to commit volunteer hours to the church.
Giving to St. Paul’s
Giving to St. Paul’s funds the ministries of our church. These gifts support all aspects of the church’s work, from hospital visits made by our staff; to education for our children, teens, adults, and elders; to the upkeep of our historic and beautiful building; to the music you hear each Sunday; and all the community that is formed here.