at St. Paul’s
Making a Commitment of Love

In the Episcopal Church, weddings are celebrated as joyful worship services. The service includes scripture, prayer, and can include communion. The wedding ceremony is a Christian worship service, and celebrates a couple’s commitment to one another to bring out the best in one another. We recognize that partnership is a spiritual discipline, and so the service asks for the support of God and the community.
At St. Paul’s, we officiate weddings for straight, gay, lesbian, and queer couples. We do ask that the couple be members of the church. At this time, we are not able to provide the church as a wedding venue.
If you are a member of St. Paul’s and are interested in being married in the church, please call the church office to begin scheduling. The presiding priest will work with you to set a date, plan for premarital counseling, and begin planning the liturgy.
Both parties do not need to be baptized or confirmed Episcopalian. Baptism and confirmation in any Christian denomination is recognized in our church. Because the service is a Christian worship service, we do ask that each party be comfortable and confident using the prayers and Christian language in the service. If the couple is interfaith, it is appropriate to work together with a leader in both party’s faith traditions.
St. Paul’s is happy to bless existing civil unions or civil marriages for members and their families. Please reach out to the church office and the rector for more information.
Previously divorced persons may be married at St. Paul’s. As a formality, the presiding priest must obtain permission from the bishop of the diocese.
Marriage is for all.
In the Episcopal Church, marriage is recognized as a covenant between two people who make a commitment of love and fidelity to each other before God. All couples regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity may be married at St. Paul’s.