Small groups and Social Events
Connect with St. Paul’s
There are lots of ways to participate in ministries at St. Paul’s that can help you connect, make church friends, and develop meaningful relationships.
Wednesday Night Meals & Classes
6 pm – Parish Hall and Throughout the Church
Selected Dates, About Twice a Month
Roughly every other Wednesday, we gather in the parish hall for a homecooked meal. Members of the church prepare a meal and share it with whoever pops on in. The meal is free, but donations are accepted. At 6:30 pm, there is a forum for adults and young adults. The 2024 – 2025 theme is “Spirituality of the Every Day.” Members of the church interested in baking, service, art-making, and more will share about how these things become spiritual practices for them. If you enjoy the same activities, come and participate in the conversation. Concurrently, there are two classes for teens: a middle school youth group 5th – 8th grades, and a Confirmation preparation class for students in 9th – 12th grade. High school students who would like to participate but have already been confirmed are invited to participate as mentors.
Join a Small Group
Times and Locations Vary
Once a season, we begin a round of small groups where 5 – 10 adults gather to discuss a book, participate in Bible Study, or engage a certain spiritual practice. These groups are always changing and there are always entry points for new people. Please see the Messenger Newsletter for the most up to date information about small groups.
Children’s Church & Youth Groups
Faith Education for children and youth helps kids form relationships, learn the stories of scripture, and explore their spirituality. Children meet for Godly Play during the 10 am worship service. Youth groups meet on Wednesdays.
Join a Musical Ensemble
Choirs Practice on Wednesday Evenings at 6:15 and 7:30 in the Sanctuary
Many people who enjoy music get connected quickly and easily by joining the choir. Please reach out to Dr. Tom Hamilton, Minister of Music, to learn more about joining musical ensembles. We have a traditional chancel choir, a bell ensemble, a pick up brass ensemble, and opportunities for young people to share their musical talents in church.
Fall ’24 Schedules
Schedules for 2024 – 2025 are available now.