Wednesday Nights
Bi-Weekly during the School Year
Pray, Discuss, Eat, Learn
Wednesday Night Gatherings for 2024 – 2025 will be bi-weekly, including a Eucharist with a discussion of the upcoming Sunday’s texts, a meal, and classes for adults and teens.
Adults may gather for our “Spirituality of…” series, which gathers us together to talk about the spirituality of doing some of our favorite things like gardening, knitting, making art, and more. Youth have two groups: a middle school youth group for grades 5 – 8 and a Confirmation class for grades 9 – 12.
What Meets Every Week?
Eucharist will take place every week unless canceled for a holiday at 5:15 pm. Choir practices also occur weekly, or as communicated by Dr. Tom Hamilton.
Forums for Adults and Youth Groups will Meet on the following Wednesdays in 2024 – 2025:
Meals will only take place on these Wednesdays.
- Sept. 11
- Sept. 25
- Oct. 9
- Oct. 23
- Oct. 30 (Halloween Party)
- Nov. 6
- Nov. 20 – Advent Forum
- Dec. 4
- Dec. 18
- Jan. 15
- Jan. 29
- Feb. 12
- Feb. 26
- Mar. 4 & 5 – Shrove Tuesday & Ash Wednesday
- Mar. 12
- Mar. 26
- Apr. 9 – Holy Week Forum
- Apr. 13 – April 20 – (Holy Week)
- Apr. 30
- May 14
Wednesday Eucharist
The 5:15 pm Wednesday Worship Service is a simple, spoken service with communion. We discuss the lessons coming up for Sunday with a practice we call “Dwelling in the Word.” This small service gathers in the choir seating in the sanctuary. If you’re a bit late, don’t worry, please join us anyway.