Visiting for the first time
Welcome! We’re happy to see you.
Walking into a church for the first time (or for the first time in a long while) can be intimidating. Please be assured that, though St. Paul’s may look like a formal and serious place, you’ll find that we’re happy to see you and you will receive a relaxed welcome.
Parking and Entering
There is a parking lot on Greysolon and street parking available around the church. Entering at the red doors on either side of the front of the building will bring you right into the sanctuary. When entering from Greysolon and the parking lot, go up two flights of stairs or take the elevator. The office entry by the Celtic Garden will take you to the office level. Here you can find the chapel (where the 8 am service is) or take one flight of stairs up to the main sanctuary.
Joining us for Worship
On Sundays, we worship at 8 am in the Chapel and at 10 am in the Sanctuary. For 10 am worship, when you enter the sanctuary, an usher will give you a service leaflet or bulletin that will have everything you need to find your place in the service. Some hymn numbers may be printed in the leaflet. These hymns can be found in the blue song books in the pew pockets.
Kids’ Church & Worshiping with Children
After the opening prayer (called a collect), the priest will invite children to Children’s Church. Children from Pre-K to 5th or 6th grade will go to a special children’s worship that usually includes song and a story told in the Godly Play style. Godly Play is a Montessori-based storytelling curriculum that introduces children to the stories in scripture, inviting questions and wonder. Children will return at the peace and participate in communion with everyone. Children are also welcome to remain in service with their parents and participate in what the grown ups are doing. A nursery is available for infants and toddlers, though joyful noise is always welcome at St. Paul’s.
What to Expect in Church
The Episcopal Church is a diverse place with many different ways of worshiping. In general, you will find that our worship is traditional like a Lutheran or Catholic service, but relaxed, joyful, and primarily about giving thanks. We follow the same order of service each week with song, scripture, a sermon, prayer, and the Eucharist (or Communion.) There are parts where we sit, stand or kneel. You will notice that people will participate in many different ways. You are welcome to participate at your own comfort level.
Some people dress casually for church, while others prefer to dress up. Some people prefer to keep their infants in church, while others prefer to let them play in the nursery. Some kids prefer to worship in church with the adults, while others really love children’s church.
About Communion
All are welcome to receive communion at St. Paul’s, without exception. We believe it is Christ’s table, and therefore we do not limit who may receive. Parents may choose when they would like their child to begin receiving, but there is no formal ritual of First Communion in the Episcopal Church. Some families wait until an age of understanding while others begin receiving bread as soon as they can eat solid food. Parents may also determine when they prefer their child to receive wine. We offer individually wrapped low-gluten wafers for any who request them. You may dip your bread into the cup of wine or drink directly from the cup.
If you would like to come forward and receive a blessing instead of bread and wine, please cross your arms over your chest.
Where is 8 am Service?
Our 8 am service is a smaller service held in our chapel. It is easiest to find when you enter from the door by the Celtic Garden, down the walkway from Superior Street. The chapel is on Level 1, below the sanctuary, and above the Parish Hall. Go through the hallway behind the parish office to locate the chapel.