A group of seven people, consisting of adults and children, stands smiling on a grassy area near a body of water. They are wearing colorful tie-dye shirts. Trees and picnic tables are visible in the background.

Social Justice Ministries

Outreach and Community Service

A group of people stands outdoors in a forested area during fall. They are holding black trash bags, suggesting they are participating in a cleanup activity. The group consists of adults and children dressed in casual, warm clothing.

Jesus modeled servant leadership, offering healing, food, and a loving presence to people who were both rich and poor, both insiders and outsiders. At St. Paul’s, our whole community participates in the ministry of the church in small and big ways.

Members of St. Paul’s are involved in the community. Our members support the efforts of Chum, SafeHaven, the Damiano Center, Loaves and Fishes Catholic Worker House, LifeHouse and more.

Hands Across Duluth

For many years, St. Paul’s hosted a youth camp for teens to travel to Duluth and serve in local community development projects.